Weather can majorly affect the paint on the exterior of your home. And if you are planning on repainting your home’s exterior this year. Nippon Paint’s comprehensive coating system provides long term protection for many types of surfaces and finishing coats.
Nippon weather-resistant Paint is specially formulated for exterior concrete protection against the effects of efflorescence and against fungus and algae growth by preventing water penetration and a premium exterior emulsion, while also allowing the wall to breathe and release moisture.
If you are about to paint your home's exterior, make sure to never apply paint in the rain or when rain is in the forecast. Rain may wash the paint away while it’s still drying, which can result in a streaky appearance. Wait to paint until the sun comes out and the paint has plenty of time to dry.
Are you ready to paint the exterior of your home and choose the right paint? Find the perfect solutions for Weather Resistant.
Standard Solution: A combination of styrene-acrylic water-based wall sealer and pure acrylic-based, premium exterior emulsion topcoat specially formulated to protect the finishing coats against the effects of efflorescence and against fungus and algae growth.
Advance Solution: The carefully paired epoxy primer that is specially developed to achieve long term protection for many types of surfaces with the pure acrylic-based, premium exterior emulsion paint.
Premium Solution: A protection boost to the basic combination of styrene-acrylic water-based wall sealer and pure acrylic-based, premium exterior emulsion topcoat with a solvent-based primer based on silane/siloxane mixture that serves as a high-quality primer for exterior concrete protection.
Nippon Weatherbond is a pure acrylic-based paint with non-added lead and mercury which is specially formulated for exterior walls. This premium exterior emulsion is formulated to provide at least 7 years’ protection against fungus and algae growth, chalking and flaking. Contact us to know more about our long-lasting colors with excellent weather durability.
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